Biomed Middle East

A fifth of GPs think a colleague is ‘not good enough’

The findings will raise questions about the standard of general practice in Britain after Prof Steve Field, chairman of the Royal College of GPs called form a ‘clampdown’ on poor performance.

A survey conducted by Pulse magazine found one in five GPs had formally blown the whistle on a colleague while one in four said they were at least aware of a doctor who they thought was not good enough.

Of 350 respondents to the survey, 27 per cent said they knew at least one current GP who they felt was incompetent or impaired, while 18 per cent said they had reported a GP colleague for incompetence or impaired practice during their time in practice.

Dr Johnny Marshall, chair of the National Association of Primary Care, told Pulse that the findings were a ‘very powerful statement’ about GPs’ role in monitoring their colleagues’ performance.

He said: “I would hope most of those GPs would be keen to improve. It’s those who don’t who would cause us concern.”

From 2013 all doctors will be required to go through revalidation processes under the General Medical Council involving periodic checks on their competance.

Doctors can inform their primary care trust or the General Medical Council of concerns about a colleague’s fitness to practice.

An investigation may result in extra training, supervision or being struck off the register and banned from practising for a period or permanently.

Telegraph UK

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