Biomed Middle East

A First-Class Global Outsourcing Provider

The Guatemalan Exporters Association – AGEXPORT- with over 25 years of existence, has significantly contributed to the economic growth of Guatemala through the promotion of its exports. In order to continue this trend, AGEXPORT is now further diversifying its reach from the promotion of Guatemalan goods to the promotion of services for export, also known as “outsourcing”. Relevant outsource segments available in Guatemala include Call Centers & BPOs, Software, Development and Digital Content, Sustainable Tourism, Laboratories and Medical Tourism.

“In order to remain competitive, companies worldwide are constantly searching for ways to further reduce costs and improve productivity; and outsourcing of services has become an essential practice to achieve these goals. Furthermore, the global outsource industry has grown between 20% and 30% annually in recent years. Taking these trends into account along with Guatemala’s availability of well qualified, affordable skilled labor, AGEXPORT is now actively promoting Guatemala as a first-class global outsourcing provider,” said Carlos Amador, President of AGEXPORT.

With a heavy focus on quality and reliability, international clients are increasingly demanding Guatemalan outsourcing services in a number of areas including: customer and back office support, call centers, data entry, software development, digital content production, conventional and alternative medicine, anti-aging treatments, thermal spas, laboratory analyses and sustainable-tourism.

“Guatemala offers key competitive advantages to be chosen as a first-class outsourcing provider including a modern, robust, fiber optic infrastructure with 99.89% redundancy, three mobile phone operators with a 90%+ mobile phone market penetration, 19 local network operators, lower development costs, GMT (UTC)-6 time zone and a highly educated, bilingual and trained labor force with computer languages,” shared Virgilio Cordon, Director of Guatemala’s Trade and Investment Office.

To address this market opportunity, AGEXPORT recently formed the Information Technology and Communications Sector – TICS – bringing together leading members of Contact-Centers & BPO’s, Software and Content Development sectors, to ensure a unified promotion effort of services abroad. Furthermore, AGEXPORT sponsors the bi-annual “SERVICE SUMMIT” Conference; one of the leading regional events of its kind. The 2009 Service Summit had over 60 International Companies participating and received very high marks from them for the level and quality of services they discovered in Guatemala.


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