Biomed Middle East

Abdominoplasty: A Safe Procedure To Remove Fat

In today’s raging world, a bulky or a saggy belly is a big “No-no.” The popularity and the increasing number of cosmetic surgery performances across the globe are testament to the fact that ‘well-shaped and toned body’ has become an integral part of our lives. Of the different kinds of plastic surgeries, tummy tuck or ‘Abdominoplasty’ is one of the most sought after surgical procedures performed to eliminate excess abdominal or belly fat. Losing the extra love handle and the paunch off the abdomen not only ensures aesthetic beauty, but it also has healthy benefits.

The boom of the medical tourism industry has helped millions of people across the world to fulfill their dreams through quality and affordable plastic surgery abroad without having to compromise on health safety. A staggering growth of medical tourists from the US and Canada has made Costa one of the most favored destinations for cosmetic surgeries.

As a matter of fact, ‘going out of shape’ is a gradual process resulting from lack of physical activities, poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyles. Interestingly, women have a higher chance of developing ‘tummy flab’ compared to men.

The best and the most important reason for performing ‘tummy tuck’ are to remove loose tissues and sagging skin resulting from pregnancy and major weight loss. In the human body, the pattern of abdominal fat deposition differs from one individual to another, and there two broad type of abdominal fat deposition pattern namely— pear-shaped and the apple shaped bellies.

Health wise, the apple-shaped belly is more prone to heart problems and the nature of fat concentration is highest around the navel area or the mid-abdomen. Meanwhile, the pear-shaped belly or the ‘stubborn fat’ is formed due to increased deposit of fat in the hips and the thighs.

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure performed under general or spinal anesthesia and it may last for about 3 hours or more. Like in every other surgical procedure, there are certain ‘Do’s and Donts’ that goes with ‘tummy tuck,’ but most of them are precautionary measures such as the avoidance of strenuous physical activities for a given period of time.

Otherwise, it has helped many people improve the quality of their social and professional lives. Costa Rica in Central America is known world wide for its pristine beaches and breathtaking tourist places. And, due to its proximity to the US shores, Costa Rica is also one of the most visited places by Americans and Canadians for various reasons of which cheap plastic surgery is one.

In conclusion, the cost of plastic surgery in Costa Rica is comparatively cheaper than that in the US, and the availability of qualified and well-trained plastic surgeons Costa Rica are the pillars for the boom of medical tourism in the region.

Medical Retreat Aborad is one of the leading plastic surgery in Costa Rica prices medical tourism company offering medical treatment in abroad. Offers medical tourism in Costa Rica at hospital clinica biblica.

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