Biomed Middle East

Alcatel Lucent: CharitA(C) Telemedicine Center chooses Alcatel-LucentaEUR(TM)s Genesys Video Contact Center to provide remote su

Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU | PowerRating) today announced that Charite Telemedicine Center – Universitatsmedizin Berlin (TMCC) will deploy the Genesys Customer Interaction Management system and the Genesys video platform to provide remote support for preclinical emergency care and home care for chronically ill patients taking part in several research projects supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

TMCC’s involvement in a variety of research associations, in particular ALARM, MATRIXand SmartSenioris opening up opportunities for telemedicine conferencing connections and promoting the electronic transfer of information between practices, clinics and reference centers, according to Dr. Martin Schultz, head of TMCC. The first expansion stage will be in commercial operation in the middle of the year.

“The combination of innovative contact center technology and telemedicine will broaden the scope of future-oriented medical teletherapy,” Dr. Schultz said. “We are dealing with the health of patients so it is essential that we have a solution that offers us the reliability and image quality we need to accurately assess the situation.

The reliability of Genesys solutions, their team’s extensive expertise as well as the openness and flexibility of its solutions prompted us to choose the Genesys platform. As a result, we’re will save time and considerable costs ?” both during the rollout and when implementing planned upgrades in the future.”

Electronic transfer of medical information via the Video Contact Center
TMCC’s Video Contact Center is designed to enhance communication between all parties involved in the delivery of medical care with the idea of giving physicians and other medical specialists the tools needed to enable them to administer first aid remotely via the Video Contact Center.

For example, paramedics in an ambulance can exchange vital information about the patient, such as EKG results, via live transmission from doctors as they make their way to the hospital, enabling medical personnel to be better prepared to care for the patient as soon as he or she enters the building.

It can enable on-ground medical personnel to supervise emergency medical procedures administered by trained aircraft cabin crew members while in flight.

At the same time, the new communication capabilities will enhance the speed and scope of communication between doctors. For example, the Video Contact Center will make it possible for physicians to verify their own diagnoses and develop optimal treatment plans by submitting patient information and results to specialists for a second opinion.

The Video Contact Center will also give TMCC the opportunity to pursue future business opportunities in order to cooperate with industry partners such as providing continuous vital sign monitoring via permanent sensors to ensure quality telemedicine patient care.

“Charite Telemedicine Center is at the forefront of bringing innovative healthcare solutions to physicians and medical specialists”, said Andy Lendner, head of Alcatel-Lucent’s enterprise business in Germany.

“Their new Video Contact Center clearly illustrates the tremendous potential of communications to be a key enabler of better access to advanced healthcare.”


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