Biomed Middle East

An U.S. neurologist and an alumnus of AIIMS devise a telemedicine programme to treat stroke

An U.S. neurologist and who is an alumnus of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences(AIIMS)said that the stroke patient could be given proper treatment through telestroke centres where the medical operator could give the treatment from television to save the life.

Majaz Moonis, a neurologist of U.S.visited Max Hospital in south Delhi on Wednesday and said that the first six hours of the stroke is the golden hours in which time that the patient could have the chance to save the life. But the most of the death in stroke occur only due to lack of immediate treatment, he added.

Moonis, has developed a telemedicine programme in Germany that is able to treat the patient through television. The programme is having stroke centres where a trained medical operator is connected to a neurologist and gets the treatment advice from the neurologist to dissolve the blood clot at once.

He has developed eight hospitals at Germany having the attachment of telemedicine for stroke.

The senior consultant neurologist at Max Hospital Puneet Agarwal said that the main culprit for stroke is lifestyle habits like smoking and alcohol consumption.

Agarwal said that who are having high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity are more susceptible to stroke.

He added that dizziness, numbness in face, hand and leg, loss of co-ordination of balance are some of the earlier symptoms for stroke.

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