Biomed Middle East

Be safe with eggs

Last week, more than 550 million eggs from two Iowa farms were recalled due to salmonella. Local consumers might wonder if the eggs in their refrigerator are safe — or even worry that they already have consumed the bad egg.

According to the Egg Safety Center, less than 1 percent of all eggs in the United States have been affected by the recall.
“The thing is, the risk of salmonella is always present,” said Connie Eisch, family living educator at Wood County University of Wisconsin-Extension.

Eisch said there has been an increase in calls to the extension office regarding egg safety since the recall. She suggests people check egg cartons and dispose of any eggs with the recall numbers.

“The biggest danger is fried eggs,” she said. “Cracking them into a pan, you can’t tell (if they are infected).

“Gone are the days when we can dip our toast into our runny yolks.”
The recall might encourage people to find their eggs from local farmers, who often offer their wares via roadside signs.

“There is definitely an increase in awareness as far as people wanting to know where their food is coming from,” said John Pavelski of Sonday Produce in Amherst Junction. “Really, the consumer should, if they can, meet the face and find out how the product is produced, if possible.”

Eisch agreed.
“I would get to know my farmer,” she said. “I would just be sure they are running a good operation. Do a little research to find out what you should look for when buying from a farm.”

That includes checking for clean conditions and making sure the farmer refrigerates the eggs after they are laid.
That’s a common practice for Vicki Guyette of Ten Pines Farms in Junction City.

“We gather them every day and cool them right away,” Guyette said. “I have several regular customers that know when to come. They’ve been buying from me for a long time.”

That’s a bonus of buying locally. Pavelski said eggs can be stored for quite a while, and they are not marked with an expiration date until packed.

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