Biomed Middle East

Better Self-Management Techniques For People With Kidney Failure

A project to promote self-management for people living with kidney failure is being developed by researchers at the University of Hertfordshire at the Lister Hospital.

Dr David Wellsted, Head of the University’s Centre for Lifespan and Chronic Illness Research is working with Professor Ken Farrington and Maria Da Silva-Gane, based at the Lister Hospital, on a study to promote self-care among patients with kidney failure, enabling patients to take control of their own care.

The research, which received £247,164 from the National Institute for Health Research through the Research for Patient Benefit Programme, begins today (1 March 2011).

“The aim is to help patients to help themselves,” said Dr Wellsted. “We know that managing their own care is a very positive thing; it makes them feel better and there is also evidence that it has a better clinical outcome.”

Using a well-established method known as action research, the research team will work with renal service users and staff to explore views and ways of helping people to self-manage. A variety of ways will be developed such as helping people to actively participate in treatment decisions, developing materials like leaflets and DVDs and also providing some direct educational support. During this three year study, participants’ physical and psychological well being will be compared before and after self management has been promoted.

If patients’ physical and psychological wellbeing show significant improvement, and if the facilitation is perceived by participants as beneficial, then there are plans to expand this programme for wider use in the NHS.

Sources: Hertfordshire University, AlphaGalileo Foundation.

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