Biomed Middle East

Biotronik MRI Products Receive European Approval

 ProMRI Pacing Systems that are compatible with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans -Evia pacemaker series and Safio Spacing leads – have received European approval.

Biotronik has developed ProMRI portfolio, which includes four different Evia pacemakers and two different lengths of the Safio S pacing leads. MRI compatibility is combined with unique innovations in the Evia pacemaker series for advanced patient management, from the point of implant through follow-up. Evia builds on closed loop stimulation, which is the only rate regulation algorithm that provides appropriate heart rate response during periods of emotional stress. Evia also minimises unnecessary ventricular pacing to lower patients’ risk of developing atrial fibrillation and heart failure through two algorithms, Vp Suppression and IRSplus. Safio S are active fixation leads with a flexible distal end, a thin lead body, fractal coating and steroid elution to ensure optimal electrical performance and a stable fixation.

About Biotronik
BIOTRONIK is a leading European company in the field of biomedical technology. We focus on devices for vascular intervention and electrotherapy of the heart .
BIOTRONIK has concentrated in two distinct business areas –  electrotherapy and vascular intervention – which has enabled the company to provide customers with a wide range of standardized products.  
Electrotherapy offers diagnostic tools and options for treating arrhythmias. The purpose of first-generation pacemakers was to save patients’ lives. However, modern implants fulfil a broad range of functions.  Improving the patients’ quality of life and monitoring the heart using diagnostic features are becoming increasingly important.
In the field of electrotherapy, we offer the following devices:
Vascular Intervention
Vascular intervention provides solutions for stenosis and occlusion of arterial vessels. Every year, around one million coronary stents are being implanted worldwide. Stents also are useful in treating stenosis in peripheral arteries. An innovative silicon-carbide coating guarantees excellent hemocompatibility for BIOTRONIK® products, and reduces the risk of restenosis in the damaged area.
In the field of vascular intervention, we offer the following devices:
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