Biomed Middle East

Contraceptive Ella Gets a Nod from FDA

Ella, the newest morning-after pill has received the approval of the Food and Drug Administration as per the June memorandum released joining several other contraceptive drugs in the market.

Ella’s manufacturers maintain that the drug’s effectivity can be maximized for five days or 120 hours despite failure on the part of contraceptive use or an unprotected sex and regardless of any hormonal problem. Ella , just like any other medication has its side effects including the most common headache. Others like pain in the abdomen, dizziness or nausea as well as fatigue have also been recognized as side effects.

The drug is already sold in Europe as EllaOne. Additionally, the emergency contraceptive will have to be sold with a doctor’s prescription unlike its counterpart Plan B where women aged 17 and above can procure without any prescription.

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