Biomed Middle East

Diabetic fathers with poor diets more likely to pass condition on to daughters

A study shows overweight parents who eat high fat diets may be fuelling the diabetes epidemic by passing on glucose intolerance and insulin resistance to their offspring.

Using rats, the researchers found that fathers who binged unhealthy food produced daughters with abnormal cells that produce insulin.

The findings published in Nature indicate non-genetic factors could influence the development of type 2 diabetes in their offspring.

It is the first research in any species to show paternal exposure to a high fat diet initiates progression to diabetes in offspring – although whether sons are similarly affected has yet to be tested.

Male rats fed a high fat diet developed obesity and glucose intolerance. But when mated with normal females the researchers found fathers yield female offspring with impaired glucose tolerance and insulin secretion as they grew up.

Prof Margaret Morris, of the University of New South Wales, said: “It is known fathers with obesity or diabetes are more likely to have children who develop the same conditions, but the environmental contribution to this has been unclear.”

They said the global prevalence of obesity is increasing across most ages in both sexes which is contributing to the “early emergence of type 2 diabetes and its related epidemic.” Having either parent obese is an independent risk factor for childhood obesity.

The researchers said: “Increasing evidence indicates an important biological role of fathers in obesity and metabolic programming of their offspring.

“Most human obesity seems to be related to complex geneenvironment interactions.

“These findings extend the concept of developmental and adaptive plasticity to include a paternal role in the early life origins of disease and amplification of the diabetes epidemic.”

Prof Michael Skinner, of Washington State University, reviewed the findings for the journal and said although the males’ daughters did not show altered body weight or body fat, it was surprising that in adulthood they developed a diabetes-like condition of impaired glucose tolerance and insulin secretion.

He said the researchers also found the gene-expression profile of the insulin-secreting pancreatic islet cells obtained from the daughters was abnormal, affecting several gene networks and cellular pathways.

Prof Skinner said: “This indicates that the fathers’ high-fat diets altered the development of their sperm, which then promoted an adult-onset disease in the daughters.”

Calling for more studies into the phenomenon he said: “The dramatic increase in human metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes warrants considering the influence of environmental factors on the germ line.”

The researchers observations “certainly support a role for environmental factors and generational effects in contributing to metabolic disease.”

Dr Iain Frame, director of research at Diabetes UK, said: “This neat piece of science shows for the first time, and independent of genetics, that a high-fat diet in fathers can affect their female offspring and adds to the body of knowledge around the transmission of metabolic consequences.

“Of course, as the study has been carried out in rats, the interesting bit comes in translating it into humans and how the resulting information would be used to improve health outcomes in people at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. We will watch this promising area of research closely.”

Telegraph UK

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