Biomed Middle East

Drug could slow onset of dementia

A drug which could stem the onset of memory loss is being developed by scientists at Edinburgh University.

Researchers have discovered that the drug can slow down the decaying of brain cells.

Tests have suggested that the drug, called UOE1961, can block enzymes that attack hormones which cause ageing in the brain.

A study supported by the Wellcome Trust has found that the drug could halt the onset of illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

When tested it was found to sharpen the minds of mice within 10 days. The study is published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Professor Jonathan Seckl of Edinburgh University, said: “Normal old mice often have marked deficits in learning and memory just like some elderly people.

“We were very surprised to find that the blocking compound works quickly over a few days to improve memory in old mice suggesting it might be a good treatment for the already elderly.”

Dr Rick Davis of the Wellcome Trust added: “Advancing this compound towards clinical trials takes us a step closer to finding a drug that could have far reaching implications as the population ages.”

Telegraph UK

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