Biomed Middle East

Expatriates struggle with poor health care standards

The report by Bupa International, which surveyed 1,034 expatriates, revealed that 44 per cent of expats are not happy with the health care available in their new country.

One in five – equivalent to around 38 million people around the globe – believe that their health has deteriorated since they moved abroad.

The research also showed that one in five expats would prefer to be treated outside their country of residence if they fell seriously ill.

The top places where people surveyed said they would like to be treated were Singapore (23 per cent) the US (15 per cent) South Africa (ten per cent) and the UK (ten per cent).

Dr Sneh Khemka, medical director for Bupa International said: “These findings are very interesting. While Singapore is seen to have the best healthcare by nearly a quarter of expats, the truth is that while there are many excellent hospitals in Singapore the quality of healthcare available there varies, like it does in every country around the world.”

Lee Gerry, underwriting manager for insurance company Expatriate Healthcare, said that there are a number of factors which can lead to dissatisfaction with the level of care available in a new country. “Language is a particular barrier, as it is important that the customer feels that they are being listened to,” he said.

“Also, services that people take for granted may simply not be common practice in the customer’s new country – for example, in Spain it is usual for some nursing care to be provided by family members. Expats usually only have one generation of family living with them, so that is rarely an option, especially if their partner works.”

Depsite their lack of faith in their new homes’ health care standards, over half (50.5 per cent) of expats surveyed said that they feel happiest in their current country of residence.

Bupa International’s expatriate survey was carried out between March 29 and April 24 2010.

Telegraph Uk

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