Biomed Middle East

GP Commissioning Clinicians, Practice Managers And PCTs Look For Implementation Solutions

A new survey, published by the NHS Alliance, shows that GPs, practice managers and PCTs managers support GP commissioning, but are still divided when it comes to details of policy implementation.

Many of those surveyed expressed concern that future GP consortia might be swamped with current PCT roles and responsibilities and that current timescales might be over ambitious. The results also reveal that respondents are worried that the system seems to favour provider over commissioner.

In terms of practical solutions for GP commissioning implementation, 77.3% agreed that GP commissioners should be able to cash limit services provided.

An overwhelming majority (98%) of respondents agreed that the National Outcome Framework must be flexible so that local priorities as well as national ‘must dos’ can be delivered, while 91.8% felt that there needs to be close involvement of patients.

‘Make and buy’ decisions are also on top of the agenda, with 87.9% saying that consortia needs flexibility to ‘make and buy’ decisions as to allow constituent practices to take on services currently provided in hospitals without complex bureaucratic processes.

Dr Michael Dixon, chairman of the NHS Alliance, said: “This is an important survey which shows that we need to get the details right for implementation. Understandably, people are concerned about many issues, including the payment system and expectations that GP consortia will have to do too much.”

He continued: “We need a payment system that is fair to both commissioners and providers. And, when it comes to how much GP consortia can do, we should not expect them to be in the same position as PCTs, which are swamped in paper work and other pressing demands.”

This is the first instalment of a four-part report, which will be based both on the NHS Alliance ‘Listening’ events and an e-survey*. The final report will contribute to the Alliance’s response to specific questions in the Government’s consultation on GP commissioning.

Source: NHS Alliance

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