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GPs stage revolt over ‘damaging’ NHS shake-up

Doctors went to war with the Government last night, claiming reforms to the NHS risk undermining the future of the Health Service.

They say that proposed changes, which will see family doctors take charge of billions of pounds in budgets, is ‘potentially damaging’ for patients and will create ‘instability’.

Ministers want GPs to take over from managers decisions about how money should be spent on treatment and services. Many managers are likely to lose their jobs as a result.

The proposals, outlined by Health Secretary Andrew Lansley in July, have been hailed as the biggest shake-up of the NHS in 60 years.

GPs will form groups, or consortia, to replace Primary Care Trusts, which will be abolished by 2013, along with tens of thousands of managerial and administrative jobs.

But the British Medical Association claims that such a radical overhaul threatens to undermine the ‘stability and long-term future’ of the Health Service.

It warned that although the Government hopes it will save millions of pounds by cutting management spending, the plans will cost ‘a large amount of money’ to put in place.

In an open statement responding to the plans, BMA chairman Dr Hamish Meldrum urged ministers to re-think their ‘slash-and-burn’ approach with ‘arbitrary’ cuts and ‘poorly considered policies’.

‘There are proposals in the White Paper that doctors can support and want to work with,’ he said.

‘But there is also much that would be potentially damaging. The BMA has consistently argued that clinicians should have more autonomy to shape services for their patients, but pitting them against each other in a market-based system creates waste, bureaucracy and inefficiency.

‘Doctors want to build on the founding principles of the NHS, and to maintain and improve services despite the hugely challenging financial climate.

‘However, they can only succeed if they can work in partnership with others in a co-operative environment.’

He added that the BMA has not supported the direction taken in the NHS in England in recent years.

This direction would be ‘accelerated’ by the proposals, ‘despite evidence showing that increased commercialisation has not been beneficial for the NHS or patients’.

Dr Meldrum added: ‘We urge the Government and NHS to focus on those areas where they can truly eliminate waste and achieve genuine efficiency savings rather than adopt a slash-and-burn approach to health care with arbitrary cuts and poorly considered policies.’

But Health Secretary Mr Lansley insisted the Government was right to go ahead with the reforms.

‘There are many GPs . . . who are keen to make the transition quickly,’ he said. ‘Others want to know more about how it’s going to work before they implement it.

‘This is what the consultation is about: everyone coming forward to say how we can make this work.’

The plans were aimed at making care better for patients, he added.

Daily Mail

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