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Grant to Grow Arizona’s Geriatric Care Work Force

Geriatric education and training programs in Arizona will be able to expand with help from a $229,2000 grant from the Health Resources and Service Administration.

The grant, awarded to the Arizona Geriatric Education Center at University of Arizona, was given to help train Arizona health professionals in team care of older adults. The funds will provide telemedicine equipment to grow the state’s interprofessional geriatric education projects. Stationary and mobile telemedicine units will not only support Arizona Geriatric Education Center activities, but also prepare a larger geriatric work force to care for the state’s aging population, according to the release.

“In our rapidly aging society, all healthcare professionals must be prepared to work together to provide safe and quality care for seniors, especially those with complex healthcare needs,” said Jane Mohler, RN, MPH, PhD, co-director of the Arizona Geriatric Education Center. “The grant will provide the telemedicine equipment needed to link sites across our state so that providers of all types can learn to provide team-based care.”

Other sites receiving telemedicine units include ASU College of Social Work, Phoenix and Tucson; UA College of Medicine, Phoenix and Tucson; UA Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, Tucson; Pima Council on Aging, Tucson; and UA College of Nursing, Tucson.

Gannett Healthcare Group

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