Biomed Middle East

Hospitals told to come clean about their infection rates

NHS trusts will be forced to publish figures showing the number of cases suffering from a wide range of bugs, as part of efforts to help the public make an “informed choice” about where to go for treatment.

On Tuesday, Andrew Lansley, the health secretary, will tell the Conservative party conference that patients need to know more about the quality of services at different hospitals before they make decisions about their health.

He will say that from January all trusts must record and publish the rates of an infection called MSSA, a sister infection to the superbug MRSA, and that in future, rates of E.coli will also be included.

Currently hospital trusts are obliged to publish their rates of MRSA, and the bug Clostridium difficile, which is a particular risk for the elderly, but recording of other infections is only done on a voluntary basis.

Those figures which are held show a 37 per cent rise in cases of E.coli since 2005, with 25,532 cases in 2009. However, experts fear the voluntary nature of the scheme, means those hospitals with the worst records are least likely to provide data.

While the number of cases of MRSA is now falling, the rates of its sister infection MSSA have steadily risen since 2000, with more than 7,000 cases last year.

While MRSA is resistant to the powerful antibiotic drug methicillin, MSSA can be more easily treated, if it is detected.

However, the infections are equally deadly if allowed to go unchecked.

Last year a report by MPs found that eight in ten hospital infections were going unreported, with patients dying unnecessarily because hospitals had focused so much on MRSA and C. difficile.

The failure to monitor the other bugs – which account for 80 per cent of all infections – means it is impossible to know how many people are dying from infections they pick up in hospital, MPs warned.

In 2008, the actress Leslie Ash received a compensation payment of £5 million after being infected with MSSA, when it entered her spine during hospital treatment.

At the time, the NHS Litigation Authority said that the payout set a new record for compensation in a case of hospital-acquired infection.

Patient groups described it as a “wake-up call” for hospitals to improve their infection control.

Telegraph UK

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