Biomed Middle East

How to eat to have more energy

Find your energy I used to work in the City, but after five years I got bored with sitting behind a desk, so decided to retrain in nutrition. I help people improve what they eat day to day. Each of your food sources gives you a certain amount of energy in calories. Protein and carbohydrates give you four calories per gram and fat gives you nine calories per gram, but it’s about eating the right things to maximise your energy and stay healthy

Eat small meals The key to keeping your energy up is to eat little and often. If your body is too full your brain thinks you don’t need to get more food and you can relax. If you are still a little hungry, you stay awake because you feel as if you need to find your next meal – it’s the caveman mentality

An ideal menu Have three meals a day and a couple of snacks. You should always eat breakfast as soon as you wake up, because you’ve been in a fasting state overnight. Porridge with berries or wholegrain toast is great. At lunch-time eat some lean protein, like a tuna salad with a couple of rice cakes, and at dinner go for lean protein again, like turkey or chicken(without the skin), with some couscous or quinoa. You can have carbohydrates at dinner, but, if you do, eat your dinner earlier – you won’t wake up feeling sluggish and you’ll be hungry, so will want breakfast

The C-word ‘Carb’ became a dirty word a few years ago. People became scared of eating carbohydrates, but you should be eating wholegrain bread, rice and pasta. Wholegrains tend to release energy slowly, so if you have some at breakfast you’ll have enough energy to last you until lunch. Non-wholegrains, like white bread, are sugary carbs, which cause a rapid spike in your blood sugar, which is followed by a crash shortly afterwards. This leaves you craving more sugar-laden treats as your blood sugar drops

Try meat-free proteins As a nation we overeat meat. It’s good for non-vegetarians to eat vegetarian proteins, especially soya – it’s an amazing source of protein, which will help give you energy. Apart from meat, it’s the only complete protein, with all the amino acids. You will never be protein-deficient as a vegetarian in the developed world

A quick fix When you hit that 4pm slump at your desk, there are lots of snacks that will give you a boost of energy – a fruit smoothie or a banana are ideal, as the sugars are released straight into the bloodstream, unlike fat, which takes a long time to digest. If you want something to nibble on have a handful of unsalted nuts. If you have chocolate cravings a mug of low-calorie hot chocolate can hit the spot. The key is to prepare and plan in advance, which will stop you reaching for the sugary snacks

Telegraph UK

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