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Hundreds of parents wrongly told their children are overweight because of IT glitch

Andrew Lansley, the health secretary, has ordered a health service quango to stop sending out letters containing the wrong information while the problem was fixed.

Millions of children in England are weighed at the beginning and end of their time at primary schools as part of the National Child Measurement Programme to combat child obesity.

Parents are then sent “parental feedback letters”, triggered by a computer programme, advising them if their offspring need to lose weight.

However, a software error has meant that parents of children weighed at the beginning of this school year have been wrongly told that their healthy children are overweight.

In all, Whitehall sources suggested that 2,500 children might have been wrongly weighed and measured, hundreds of those are likely to have been wrongly told they were overweight.

In a letter to Primary Care Trusts, seen by The Daily Telegraph a letter, the NHS Information Centre warned that weight “thresholds have been set incorrectly”.

This meant, for example, that children with a healthy body mass index of 87 were wrongly told they were overweight.

Anyone classed with a body mass index, a mathematical formula which takes account of height and weight, of more than 91 is classed as overweight.

The letter to the trusts said: “Please do not use this method of letter production until we announce that this has been fixed. You may wish to review any letters you have already sent out in case some may contain incorrect information.”

Whitehall sources said the error meant that a” very small percentage of children will be classified as overweight when they are healthy weight, or as very overweight when they are overweight”.

Mr Lansley said it was important to be transparent about the error and said that parents and children should not be put through this.

Tim Straughan, the NHS Information Centre’s chief executive, said he was sorry for the error and any “unnecessary concern” it might have caused to children and their parents.

He said: “Information about their child’s weight is a sensitive and important matter for parents and we would like to apologise for any unnecessary concern this error may have caused.

“We alerted NHS staff responsible for carrying out the measurement programme locally as soon as the problem came to light and are working with them to ensure that families affected by these letters are contacted personally. We are fixing the software fault as quickly as possible.”

Tam Fry, a spokesman for the National Obesity Forum, said: “I am in despair with this whole programme. I would compliment them that at the 11th hour they have realised their errors. I hope when it is put right, it is for good and all.”

The BMI is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the square of the height in metres. The monitoring is carried out under the National Child Measurement Programme, brought in to curb the rise in child obesity.

More than one in five children is overweight by the age of five, rising to one in three by the age of 11.

The news comes after it emerged that ministers had asked health trusts to tone down the letters, with the term “very overweight” used rather than “obese” because it was “poorly understood by many parents”.

Warnings that the child could be on course to develop potentially fatal diseases were also removed, except in the very worst cases, following complaints from parents.

There have also been concerns over the affect of the letters on children who are only slightly above what is considered the healthy range.

In July it emerged that an 11 year old child who was 7st 10lb had refused to eat after being branded overweight under the scheme. That case was not linked to the latest errors.

Telegraph UK

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