Biomed Middle East

Imetelstat assisted brain and prostate cancer study

Cancer is a dreadful disease to fight, as the immune system has trouble in recognizing it.  The cancer cells are immortal and they will always continue dividing.  Since telomerase activity is required for the immortality of so many cancer types, scientists are now at the threshold of discovering telomerase secret.

 Researchers at the UT Southwestern Medical Centre, in two preclinical studies,  found an experimental drug tested against breast and lung cancer shows assurance in fighting the brain and prostate cancer.  The study  on glioblastoma appears in the January issue of Clinical Cancer Research. The prostate cancer study is available online in the International Journal of Cancer.

 According to the researchers, the drug’s action observed in isolated human  cells and rodents in trials were encouraging because they attacked not only the bulk of the tumor cells, but also the rare cancer stem cells that are believed to be responsible for most of the cancer growth. 

In the current study on glioblastoma performed in mice, the drug has also crossed from the bloodstream into the brain, which is especially important because many drugs are not able to cross the blood brain barrier. The study mainly focused on telomeres, a region of repetitive DNA at the end of a chromosome, which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration.  The telomeres contain condensed DNA material that gives stability to the chromosomes As long as telomeres are longer than a certain minimum length, a cell can keep dividing. But telomeres shorten with each cell division, so a cell stops dividing once the telomeres are whittled down to that minimum. Telomerase is an enzyme that adds specific DNA sequence repeats(“TTAGGG” in vertebrates) to the 3’end of DNA strands in the telomere regions, which are found at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes.    The telomerase is a reverse transcriptase carries its own RNA molecule, and is used as a template when it elongates telomeres, that are shortened after each replication cycle.  In cancer cells, the telomerase enzyme keeps rebuilding the telomeres, so the cells never be given the signal to halt dividing.

Dr. Jerry Shay

Imetelstat or GRN163L is a drug that blocks telomerase, and is already in clinical trials as a potential treatment for breast and lung cancer. The researchers focused on cells called tumor-initiating cells. Some researchers believe that tumors contain a small subset of initiating cells – or cancer stem cells – that are able to initiate and drive tumors and that are often resistant to radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Dr. Shay and his colleagues found that in glioblastoma study,  imetelstat blocked the action of telomerase in isolated tumor initiating cells as well as the bulk of tumor cells, eventually killing the cells. Combining imetelstat with radiation and a standard chemotherapy drug made imetelstat even more effective. When the researchers implanted human tumor-initiating cells into rodents, they found that imetelstat was able to enter brain tissue and inhibit telomerase activity. In the prostate cancer study, the researchers isolated tumor-initiating cells from human prostate cancer cells. The cells showed significant telomerase activity. Imetelstat blocked the enzyme’s activity, and telomeres shortened greatly.
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