Biomed Middle East

International Conference on Hospital Administration in Egypt

sharm-al-sheikhCairo, December 05, SPA — The Egyptian city of Sharm Al Shaikh is set to host the functions of the 8th Arab Conference on modern techniques for hospital administration from 14-16 December, under the title: Mitigating World Economic Crisis on Health Welfare Systems, sponsored by Arab Administrative Development Organization, in co-operation with WHO Eastern Mediterranean Sea regional office.

The conference will discuss a host of issues among are how to mitigate the disadvanges of the world economic crisis on the providers and the beneficiaries of health services, as well.

One of the aims of the conference is to identify the main causes of the crisis, both its short and long terms effects, on providers and beneficiaries, to analyze the reciprocal effect between economic deterioration and social factors of the crisis, such as poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, public hygine, and to explore new methods and techniques to improve ways of providing health service, in case of diminishing resources.

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