Biomed Middle East

International conference on brain stimulation in psychiatry and neurology to be held October 7 and 8

International conference Thursday and Friday, October 7 and 8, 2010 at the Douglas Institute
Thirteen national and international experts in the field of Brain Stimulation in Psychiatry and Neurology will meet October 7 and 8 during a conference held at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute.

They will present research findings and ground-breaking clinical applications concerning the use of brain stimulation techniques. New treatments still under development, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation, will also be discussed. Close to 150 participants are expected to take part in this conference.

Emerging research and treatment approaches

These non-invasive neuromodulatory techniques could revolutionize the treatment of mental illnesses such as bipolar disorders, schizophrenia and depression. Many research projects are underway in this area in Europe and North America, some of which are exclusive to the Douglas Institute’s Research Centre.

“We are delighted and honoured to welcome, among others, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, M.D., Ph.D., professor at Harvard Medical School and Mark S. George, MD and researcher at the University of South Carolina, who are pioneers in this emerging field,” stated Martin Lepage, PhD, Director of the Brain Imaging Centre and one of the conference organizers. “From now on we can measure the effectiveness of these techniques not only through clinical observation of symptoms but also through the use of brain imaging,” he added.

Douglas Institute: hosting and leading

“This conference is very timely for the Douglas. We have only recently signed international agreements to conduct studies on transcranial magnetic stimulation to assess its use in the treatment of patients suffering from major depression.

” explains Marcelo T. Berlim, MD, MSc, psychiatrist at the Douglas and assistant professor at McGill University, who has been leading this new treatment at the Douglas since 2008. He is also responsible for developing research protocols, supervising the technicians who administer the treatment and assessing the patients referred to him.


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