Biomed Middle East

Jordan Health Initiative launched

The government on Sunday announced the launch of the Jordan Health Initiative (JHI), which seeks to improve medical services and healthcare offered to citizens through the integration of technology.

Underlining the importance of the initiative, prepared in collaboration with Cisco, Minister of Health Nayef Fayez said it will be implemented in the country’s 32 public hospitals, noting that the national e-health programme launched early 2009 is an integral part of the initiative.

The JHI is a national public-private partnership, which aims to transform the delivery of healthcare in Jordan into a world-class regional best practice focused on providing high quality medical services through the utilisation of state-of-the-art technologies designed to provide citizens with the best affordable service and thereby achieving economic growth, according to the health ministry.

The programme will serve as a bank of all patients’ medical histories and include tests, procedures and surgeries they underwent, in addition to the diseases and allergies they suffer from, the medications they take and other health information.

During a press conference on the sidelines of the MENA ICT Forum, Fayez stressed the important role Cisco will play in the initiative, which seeks to revolutionise the current healthcare system in the country and elevate medical services through integrating the latest technologies and IT solutions.

Fayez noted that the initiative is in line with the ministry’s 2008-2010 national healthcare strategy, and complements the Jordan National Agenda under the social welfare theme.

He added that the JHI also seeks to offer cutting-edge solutions that will help provide highly advanced medical services to citizens as well as cut the cost of healthcare.

At the press conference, Minister of Information and Communications Technology Marwan Juma emphasised the importance of a true and effective partnership between the public and private sectors, such as the strategic partnership with Cisco.

He highlighted the long-term advantages the initiative will have on enhancing the quality and efficiency of the healthcare system through applying the latest IT solutions.

Tae Yoo, senior vice president of Cisco Corporate Affairs, said Cisco is focused on 21st century healthcare delivery system transformation, adding that it will apply its core competencies in networking, innovation and state-of-the-art technology solutions for healthcare to help deliver quality healthcare services to even some of the most remote and currently under-served communities.

By Mohammad Ghazal

Jordan Times 2010

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