Biomed Middle East

Medapps’ CloudCare Enables Remote Healthcare to Meet in the Cloud

MedApps provides innovative eCare solutions for the collection, transmission and remote management of patient health data, and has constantly endeavored to change the way healthcare is delivered. Its latest patent-pending innovation — The CloudCare Technology Platform — connects patients with their care providers and enterprise more efficiently than before, according to company officials.

With a paradigm shift in computer technology, cloud computing has shifted from the traditional client-server standard to Web-based tools and applications that are flexible and scalable, and CloudCare extends the power of the MedApps Remote Health Monitoring System by moving its infrastructure to the cloud. This creates a dynamic state, where drivers, client profiles and other firmware can be kept in the cloud and managed from anywhere, anytime.

As no technical expertise is involved, while moving to the cloud, users can deploy CloudCare very easily, enabling the focus to be shifted from technology and maintenance to a patient-centric approach.

Aggregating devices, like the MedApps HealthPAL, integrate with personal health monitors to collect and transmit biometric data to a central Electronic Health Record for review by clinicians. As all the updated data is in the cloud, monitoring results, regardless of the location of the patient, once science fiction, has become a reality today.

By fully utilizing an intelligent cloud-based environment, MedApps differentiates itself from other hardware-based competitors in all areas that affect the enterprise and the end-user. Its embedded cellular technology is maintained through a cloud-based backed system.

“We’ve had CloudCare on our roadmap from the beginning – it makes sense for our customers on every level. Many healthcare IT and medical device manufacturers ship devices to the care professional or enterprise, and rely on them to get the equipment delivered and installed in the patient’s home,” said MedApps CEO and founder, Kent Dicks.

He further added that ordinarily, when firmware updates were required or new equipment needed to be added to a system, resources must be physically deployed to the field, not only pushing up the costs of the total cost of ownership, but also directing resources toward supporting a technology, leaving very little time to spend with the patient.

Dicks continued to add that CloudCare automated “over the air” updates, and optimal functionality allowed patients to concentrate on their health, rather than on the nitty- gritty of technology, as the CloudCare architecture provides remote deployment and maintenance of equipment, and also allow dynamic customization that is cost-effective.

He concluded by saying that apart from reduced costs, there was improved patient compliance, which led to better patient outcomes and lower medical expenses, allowing for rapid ROI. CloudCare connected the patient, the care-provider and the enterprise enabling remote healthcare to meet in the cloud.

The FDA cleared MedApps System is producing notable results at leading healthcare facilities across the nation, including Cleveland Clinic and Meridian Health in New Jersey. MedApps is a recognized telehealth innovator and member of Continua, an industry consortium setting Medical Device Interoperability Standards worldwide.

Healthacre TMCnet

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