Biomed Middle East

Ministry outlines steps to ensure pilgrims’ health

The Ministry of Health Tuesday issued a list of quarantine requirements for Umrah and Haj pilgrims this year, which will also be sent to all Saudi missions abroad.

The list will be used as part of the criteria for the issuance of the pilgrim visas. “The health requirements have been carefully chalked out by a team of health experts, considering the prevalence of epidemics in certain countries,” ministry spokesman Dr. Khaled Al-Mirghalani told Arab News Tuesday. He added that this year the focus would be on diseases such as yellow fever, cerebrospinal meningitis fever, polio, and vaccinations against seasonal influenza.

This year, he said, the ministry is emphasizing on quarantine certificates for workers who will be working in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah during the forthcoming season. “The workers who are hired locally or abroad must comply with the requirements,” he said. He added that both workers and pilgrims from different countries must have a valid vaccination certificate for meningococcal meningitis issued within three years and 10 days prior to entering the Kingdom.

He added that health authorities should ensure that children aged two and above and adults are vaccinated against meningitis. He said pilgrims coming from countries susceptible to yellow fever are requested to submit a valid vaccination certificate.

The certificate must state that the holder is vaccinated against yellow fever 10 days prior to his or her arrival in the Kingdom and has taken the jab within a period of 10 years. Aircraft, ships and other means of transportation coming from countries susceptible to yellow fever are requested to submit a valid certificate indicating the extermination of insects possibly carrying the disease in accordance with international health regulations.

Al-Mirghalani said about 50 countries including Sudan, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kenya and Mali are affected by yellow fever. He said Saudi health officials at the Kingdom’s various entry points will give preventive medication in order to reduce the spread of the disease.

With regard to polio, he said vulnerable countries include Uganda, Kenya, Cote d’Ivoire, Sudan and Ethiopia.

He said those arriving from these countries should vaccinate children under 15 with an oral polio vaccine six weeks before they start journey. They will be administered another dose on their arrival in the Kingdom. “Pilgrims who suffer from cardiac, renal, respiratory, metabolic and neuro-related diseases, diabetes, immunity deficiencies and HIV should be vaccinated against seasonal flu, as well as pregnant women and obese people,” Al-Mirghalani said.

He added that it is prohibited for pilgrims to bring any kind of foodstuff from their countries unless it is canned, sealed or in containers that can be opened easily by customs officials. Al-Mirghalani said that the ministry might introduce more preventive measures as and when the need arises to control the spread of infections among pilgrims.

Arab News

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