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More girls than boys admitted to hospital due to drink

The charity, Alcohol Concern, found that 13 girls were admitted from A&E to a hospital per day between 2004 and 2009 compared with ten boys a day.

Experts said it was a ‘worrying trend’ and reflects that adult women are also drinking more.

In some cases children as young as ten were admitted because they were drunk.

It is thought underage alcohol health emergencies cost around £19m a year.

A new report published today by the charity Alcohol Concern provides a stark picture of the cost to the NHS from drinkers as young as ten.

The charity’s report, ‘Right time, right place: Alcohol-harm reduction strategies with children and young people, said: “Underage drinkers consume approximately the equivalent of 6.9 million pints of beer or 1.7 million bottles of wine each week with an estimated 630,000 11- to 17-year-olds drinking twice or more per week.

“Whilst some indicators suggest the beginning of a decrease in consumption and harm trends, the overall picture from the last five to 10 years is one of increasingly rampant drinking and significant rises in the harms that are associated with alcohol use.”

The report calls for earlier identification of young people engaged in ‘risky’ drinking such as young people attending A&E or getting into trouble with the police for alcohol, so that they can access information, advice and support.

Alcohol Concern Chief Executive, Don Shenker said: “As long as alcohol remains as heavily promoted as it currently is, young drinkers will continue to consume far more than they might otherwise, leading to inevitable health harms, wasting ambulance and police time.

“As well as tackling the ludicrously cheap price of alcohol in some settings, we want all under-18-year-olds who turn up at A&E to be advised and supported to address their drinking.

“There are some excellent examples of police and ambulance crews working hand in hand with youth and alcohol services and these should be properly funded and rolled out to ensure we give young people the best chance of changing their behaviour.”

Between 2002 and 2007 the number of under 18s admitted to hospital through drink increased by a third, the report said.

Professor Jonathan Shepherd of Cardiff University said: “Any emergency treatment for a child as a result of alcohol intoxication comes as a shock. Every report represents a sad story, a child in need and a teachable moment in a child’s family. These findings demonstrate as never before the need to capitalise on every episode of emergency treatment to educate and protect.”

Chris Sorek, chief executive of alcohol awareness charity Drinkaware said: “It’s shocking to see an increase in alcohol-related hospital admissions for under-18s. We mustn’t forget that under-18s are still children, with developing bodies and low tolerance levels, so drinking to the point of needing hospital treatment is extremely dangerous. But it’s not just those young people who end up in hospital that we need to focus on – even drinking small amounts of alcohol is risky for children.

“It is essential we understand the root causes of why young people drink, such as boredom, bravado, for self-confidence or to fit in. Only then can we hope to educate them about the risks of drinking and start to change their behaviour. Parents are in a great position to do this, but they need support.

“We know it can be really tough for parents to address ‘grown-up’ topics like alcohol with their children at an early age. But Drinkaware research shows that, on average, young people have their first proper drink at 13 and they do listen to their parents’ advice. Drinkaware has lots of tips for parents – use queues such as television shows, newspaper articles or anecdotal stories to broach the subject earlier rather than later.”

A spokesman for the Depattment of Health said: “This report shows the devastating impact that alcohol has on the lives young people who drink too much. We must educate them so they understand how bad it is for their health now and in the long term. And we must do more to stop shops selling alcohol to under 18s.

“Everyone has a part to play in this. Parents, police, education and social services need to work together. The new Public Health Service will give communities the power and budget to tackle alcohol problems in their areas.”

Telegraph UK

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