Biomed Middle East

New company to manage medical insurance of members

The Professional Associations Council (PAC) on Saturday inaugurated a medical insurance company in the capital that seeks to improve insurance services for members of several professional associations, according to association officials.

The new firm will coordinate with several professional associations to improve health services and manage health insurance funds at the associations and other civil society institutions, said Barakat Jabari, president of the Jordan Dental Association and president of the council.

The new company is owned by a number of professional associations including the medical, pharmacists, engineers, bar and agriculture associations.

Jabari said the associations needed such a firm to establish a better relationship between association members and health service providers in the country.

“The company will aspire to improve health services for association members across the Kingdom and manage financial assets of funds to guarantee a long-lasting, good service for all associations,” he noted.

“We have tens of thousands of members who receive regular health services from private companies. With this company, the benefit will be seen not only with members and the level of services they receive, but also the associations will be able to utilise their financial assets in a more productive way,” Jabari told The Jordan Times.

The new company will be run by “a very efficient team with wide experience in the fields of insurance and health services”, he said.

The company has been equipped with the latest technology and advanced computers that can handle a vast database of beneficiaries, he added.

Members of the associations commended the initiative in light of the difficulties they face when dealing with private companies.

General physician Abdullah Sarhan from Sweileh said the new company will regulate the relationship between patients, doctors and hospitals in an efficient way.

“The health insurance issue has been troubling doctors and patients alike. Both sides complain about ill-treatment from insurance companies regarding financial coverage, payments and types of services offered under the insurance scheme,” he told The Jordan Times in a telephone interview.

“The new company will comprise members of the associations, who will show more understanding towards the needs and financial conditions of members,” he added.

Jordan Times

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