Biomed Middle East

Novel Stem Cell Therapy From Cellonis Biotechnologies Can Help Children With Diabetes Get Back Their Normal Lives

Cellonis Biotechnologies, a Beijing and HK-based medical research and application company, has recorded some remarkable results in the treatment of a twelve-year-old boy with diabetes using their stem cell therapy in a Beijing partner hospital. He has completely regained his normal life, enjoying sports and school activities just like every other person his age, and has been free from injections and drugs for more than half a year.

“Our whole family is delighted with this outcome,” his mother commented in a Cellonis interview. “He is now no different from any other child at his school. There is no sign of diabetes anymore. He previously coughed a lot in spring and winter, but after the therapy we haven’t seen him coughing at all. We are very pleased.”

The boy’s doctor during the treatment, Dr. Shi, is similarly satisfied. “The efficacy of our patient’s treatment surprised me a lot,” she commented. “He hasn’t taken insulin injections for eight months, and so does not need to worry about his blood glucose during PE.

“Also, diabetes can stunt a child’s growth, with diabetic children being smaller and weaker than other children, but he has grown more than 10cm during this last half year. This is excellent news.”

Preventing Dangerous Complications From Diabetes

Diabetes can be especially damaging to children, as it also affects them socially. They have to take care when playing, maintain a healthy diet, and take unpleasant insulin injections daily. Children with diabetes have a much greater risk of complications such as those affecting the kidneys and eyes.

Conventional treatments cannot prevent long-term complications and often have harmful side effects. The Cellonis stem cell therapy is suitable for all ages, with no side effects reported.

“Stem cell treatment is a new hope for diabetes sufferers,” Dr. Shi continued. “It can replace dysfunctional pancreatic cells, getting to the root of the disease. Stem cell treatment, both for diabetes and for many other diseases, represents a new age for medicine.”

Cellonis Biotechnologies focuses on R&D and the clinical application of personalized stem cell therapies and immunotherapies for patients with diseases including cancer, diabetes and central nervous system disorders.

Source: Cellonis Biotechnologies Co., Ltd

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