Biomed Middle East

Ono, Astellas jointly submit MAA for Minodronic acid hydrate

Ono Pharmaceutical and Astellas Pharma have jointly submitted a market authorisation application (MAA) for Recalbon tablets 50mg (Ono)/Bonoteo tablets 50mg (Astellas) (minodronic acid hydrate) to Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency in Japan.
Astellas has discovered Minodronic acid hydrate, an oral bisphosphonate, which has been co-developed by Ono and Astellas.

Minodronic acid hydrate increases the bone mineral density and strength by inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorption.

Recalbon tablets 1mg/Bonoteo tablets 1mg, a daily formulation of Minodronic acid hydrate, launched in Japan in April 2009, has showed efficacy in bone fractures prevention.

Recalbon tablets 50mg/Bonoteo tablets 50mg, a monthly formulation of Minodronic acid hydrate, demonstrated non-inferiority to the daily formulation 1mg in average bone mineral density change in lumbar spines, the primary endpoint in a Phase 2/3 study in Japan.

Additionally, the Phase 2/3 study showed that a monthly formulation 50mg is expected to have an equivalent effect in bone fractures prevention to the daily formulation and boost the patients’ convenience by reducing the dose frequency.

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