Biomed Middle East

Pea plant grew in man’s lung

A Massachusetts man who was sick for months has the answer to his medical mystery. Doctors found the root of his problem — a pea plant was growing in his lung.

Ron Sveden went to the hospital Memorial Day where doctors told him his left lung collapsed. Sveden was already fighting emphysema. He expected the problem to be cancer, but two weeks of testing came back negative.

Then one doctor found the plant growing in his lung.

It certainly wasn’t the diagnosis Sveden expected.

“Whether this would have gone full-term and I’d be working for the Jolly Green Giant, I don’t know. But, I think the thing that finally dawned on me is that it wasn’t the cancer.”

Sveden continues to recover at home. As a joke, friends and neighbors sent him pea seeds and canned peas to help him along.

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