Biomed Middle East

Siemens Partners With ExitCare To Deliver Patient Education Services To Health IT Customers

Siemens Healthcare announced its newly-formed partnership with patient education content provider, ExitCare, to begin providing expanded patient education services to its broad health information technology customer base. The move stems from Siemens’ goal to equip healthcare providers with fresh, highly relevant, patient-focused educational offerings in an easy-to-access format that complement its existing medical software technologies portfolio.

Plans include establishing links to ExitCareEDTM Emergency Department and ExitCareIPTM In-Patient educational content within Siemens health IT customers’ workflows, thereby giving executives, clinicians, and administrators a fast, integrated way to view, distribute, and document patient-specific discharge instructions and general patient education information throughout the continuum of care.

“Because there is a strong correlation between the success of a patient’s treatment and recovery plan and that patient’s access to basic information about his or her condition, it is essential that healthcare providers have an easy way to deliver such education to all those they treat,” said Don Rucker, chief medical officer, Siemens Healthcare. “We are excited about the prospect of our partnership with ExitCare and look forward to the added value it will bring to our customers during both immediate and long terms.”

“Partnering with an industry leader like Siemens means that even more patients will soon become empowered to further participate in their own care,” said Richard Thompson, ExitCare executive vice president. “As a leading discharge instruction and patient education content provider, our unique enterprise-wide solution offers multiple languages and reading levels and relies heavily on graphics, bullets, subheads, and the use of color, all of which combine to make diagnosis and medical condition information easier to understand and engaging.”

The announcement was made at Innovations ’10 for Healthcare IT in Orlando, FL, a symposium where Siemens health information technology customers can share ideas and expand their knowledge around invaluable tools and innovative strategies that will help them improve efficiencies and stay ahead of the technological curve.

Siemens Healthcare Sector

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