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Skiers warned of dangers of osteoarthritis

Those who fail to prepare their bodies properly before heading off to the slopes risk being crippled with osteoarthritis later in life.

But a new report has warned that those who fail to prepare their bodies properly before heading off to the slopes risk being crippled with osteoarthritis later in life.

Around 8 million people in Britain suffer from the condition which leads to joint pain and stiffness.

While it often occurs naturally as a result of wear and tear, experts believe an increasing number of cases are being caused by old sporting injuries.

They are now urging those who take part in activities such as skiing, running or playing football that they must train properly if they are to avoid serious injury and pain later in life.

A report by the charity Arthritis UK recommends that skiers spend several weeks before they hit the slopes strengthening their leg muscles in order to reduce sprains, strains and tears.

According to a report produced in conjunction with The Institute of Sport and Exercise Medicine, more than half of people who take part in sport have suffered an injury such as sprained ligaments, tendon tears or broken bones.

The two organisations are now calling for more research into the links between sports injuries and osteoarthritis in order to try to prevent more cases of the condition.

Studies have shown that half of people with common sport injuries such as an anterior cruciate ligament tear will develop osteoarthritis later in life.

Prof Phil Conaghan, from Leeds University and spokesman for Arthritis UK, said: “Prevention of sports injuries is one of the public health interventions that has been overlooked. Even those people playing five-a-side football on a Sunday morning should carry out some simple exercises to keep their leg muscles strong and reduce the risk of injury.

“Skiers need to strengthen their thigh muscles in particular.”

He added that people who have already got osteoarthritis should also do exercises to strengthen muscles and take the pressure off their joints as studies have shown this can reduce pain by 30 per cent.

Often people with painful joints are reluctant to exercise for fear it will make the condition worse, he said.

Around 1.2m people consult their GP with signs of osteoarthritis each year, the report said, and prevention of sports injuries could cut these cases by a quarter, it was estimated.

Professor Alan Silman, medical director of Arthritis Research UK, said: “Despite the overriding benefits of participating in sport and exercise, there are hidden hazards related to sports injury. From the limited research carried out, we know some sport-related injuries will cause osteoarthritis, which is a painful and debilitating condition.

“While there is reasonable guidance on how to manage injuries in the short term, there is no research into the long-term implications of sports injuries and osteoarthritis (OA), and what we can do to better prevent and manage OA.

“We need to find effective approaches to prevent injuries and, when they occur, improve management to reduce the risk of long-term consequences. We need to be able to give appropriate advice to keep people active in their choice of activities, for longer.”

Telegraph UK

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