Skin-related pigmentation another common symptom of Coronavirus

The French National Union of Dermatologists-Venereologists (SNDV) organization has posted some recent findings that indicate that skin-related pigmentation is a common symptom throughout coronavirus patients. These types of pigmentation include pseudo-frostbite, hives, and persistent redness, according to Le Figaro. The doctors also noticed that the red spots on the skin can be quite painful for patients as well.

The SNDV organization recently posted a press release, stating “Analysis of the many cases reported to SNDV shows that these manifestations can be associated” with COVID-19, and that “We are alerting the public and the medical profession in order to detect these potentially contagious patients as quickly as possible”.

Every day we are learning more about coronavirus cases, and since this new symptom has now been added to screening lists, be sure to contact a health professional in the event of you experiencing it.

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