Biomed Middle East

Support for health staff

THE Bahrain Medical Society (BMS) and the Bahrain Dental Society (BDS) yesterday came out in support of health workers’ demands for Health Minister Dr Faisal Al Hamer to resign.

Both organisations allege he repeatedly misled people on the number of casualties.

A joint statement also condemned the use of force to disperse peaceful demonstrations.

It claimed the minister had insisted only seven minor injuries had been reported after firing on protesters on Friday, when scores had been treated at Salmaniya Medical Complex.

“The minister’s statement did not reflect the events realistically,” said the statement.

“In reality, the number of people injured was more than a hundred individuals.

“Among the injuries were seven major ones that included one patient with a fatal trauma to the brain and skull and another sustained a severe trauma to the chest.

“Injuries were noted to be due to the use projectiles that included both bird shot rounds and metallic bullets, as well as blunt trauma from riot sticks, unlike what the minister mentioned in his statement.”

The statement also condemned attacks against health workers after paramedics were allegedly harassed, threatened and obstructed from fulfilling their duties. “We strongly condemn the savage beating and the verbal and physical harassment by the security forces, of our colleague Dr Sadiq Al Ekri in the early hours of Thursday.”

The society also called on all its members to continue to encourage doctors and all health workers to volunteer to help their community and the injured in accordance with international norms.

Meanwhile, around 800 health workers, including doctors, nurses and other staff, yesterday held protests throughout the day, demanding the minister’s resignation. Some of the protestors said they had not gone on strike but would continue to protest in batches until their demands were met.

Gulf Daily

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