Biomed Middle East

Surgeons saved my baby’s life – by freezing her to death

A baby was ‘frozen to death’ for more than 20 minutes in pioneering surgery to fix a life-threatening heart defect.

Samaa Zohir, who was born with blood vessels to her heart connected the wrong way round, was chilled to the point of death before medics stopped her heart to correct the otherwise fatal condition.

Preparing to work on her tiny heart – smaller than a golf ball – the surgical team at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, put the month-old baby into suspended animation to have enough time for the delicate operation.

They placed bags of ice around her head and cooled her blood from the normal 37C to 18C using a heart-lung bypass machine. As her core temper­ature plummeted her extremities grew cold to the touch.

Then they stopped her heart by injecting a drug and switched off the heart-lung machine – at which point she was clinically dead, with her body almost completely drained of blood.

Cardiothoracic surgeon Tain-Yen Hsia and his team worked against the clock. The maximum window of safety was 50 minutes before the heart had to be restarted to prevent damage to the brain and internal organs.

After 23 minutes in suspended anim­ation, with her blood vessels having been rearranged, doctors brought Samaa back to life.

The heart-lung machine was switched back on to pump warm blood and return her temperature to 37C. Her heart then began to beat on its own.

Five months later, Samaa, of Finchley, North London, has made a full recovery. The only physical sign of her ordeal is a scar on her chest.

Her mother Roosina Ahmed, 30, said: ‘The first time Samaa opened her eyes after the surgery I was overwhelmed to see she was alive again. For more than 20 minutes she was on that operating table, freezing cold, a body with no life, and they brought her back to us.

‘She’s gone from being a baby who was too tired to even cry to a healthy, lively girl who enjoys her food and loves playing with her toys. It’s amazing.’

Samaa was born with the blood vessels that should bring oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left side of the heart connected to the right instead. The defect affects fewer than 40 children a year in the UK and is fatal without surgery, which itself carries risks.

The first signs came when Ms Ahmed, a Metropolitan Police constable, saw Samaa was too tired to feed. She went to a GP, who diagnosed mild colic.
However, Ms Ahmed was alerted by her mother’s instinct. With her husband Zohir Uddin, 32, a Home Office civil servant, she took Samaa to hospital for tests, and a scan picked up the life-threatening condition.

Ms Ahmed said: ‘We were terrified about what the surgery would mean for her, but the surgeons explained it brilliantly. Four days later they carried out the operation. It all happened so fast.’

Two days after the operation, Samaa opened her eyes to see her mother smiling at her.

After 18 nights in hospital Samaa was allowed home.
Surgeon Mr Hsia said: ‘We needed to work in a bloodless field because we were doing micro-surgery, dealing with blood vessels as thin as rice paper and sutures as thin as a human hair.

‘The only way was to chill the body and stop the circulation. The patient goes into deep hypothermia. It’s like plunging the baby into a bucket of iced water. When you stop the heart they’re clinically dead and I know I must operate with precision. There is no room for error. It’s one shot and one shot only.’

The new technique has been developed from cases of people falling into icy water and surviving for as long as an hour below the surface. Experts believe the cold protected the brain and vital organs to keep them alive.

Daily Mail

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