Biomed Middle East

Trauma counselling for crash survivors

THE Health Ministry will provide trauma counselling for survivors of the bus crash. According to sources, 46 Bahraini passengers will be individually given counselling to prevent stress disorder and other complications.

“The survivors’ condition will be monitored by doctors and staff at Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC),” sources said.

The post-trauma programme will include group treatment for the survivors to overcome the memories of the crash through counselling by local health experts.

The Bahrainis on board the bus sustained fractures, bruises on their faces and other parts of the body, leg injuries and deep wounds.

All the survivors will be screened for any internal injuries which could surface at a later stage. Doctors will also keep a watch on the progress of each survivor before he/she is declared medically fit.

The Health Ministry, which is shouldering the cost of treatment and transferring of the Bahrainis from Amman, has set up a special room for the victims at the SMC.

HRH the Premier on Thursday instructed the ministry to follow up on the treatment for victims.

Following the directives, the ministry sent two specialists, Dr Yousuf Al Haddad and Dr Raed Al Marzooq, to Amman.

“They are following up on the health condition of the injured pilgrims and will only return after every Bahraini patient is back safe,” sources said.

Gulf Daily

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