Biomed Middle East

Wales invests to save in telecare

The Welsh Assembly Government has announced additional investment in telemedicine and telecare services ahead of the publication of its digital strategy next week.

The government said £7.3m will be spent on “invest-to-save” initiatives including telecare and online booking for ambulances.

Another £350,000 will be spent on telemedicine equipment to enable hospital clinicians to make a diagnosis of stroke remotely.

The assembly government said the invest to save initiatives would cut costs by £14m a year and save £64m over the long term.

Eight projects will be funded, including telecare services, a shared emergency service control room, electronic purchasing and invoicing, and online booking for ambulances to cut back on cancelled journeys.

Finance minister Jane Hutt said: “In this difficult financial climate it is even more important that the assembly government continues to find ways to help support the drive for greater public sector efficiency and innovation – investing in tried and tested technology is one such way.”

The £350,000 investment in portable telemedicine units will allow hospital consultants to reach a diagnosis of stroke based on a visual assessment of patients anywhere in Wales.

They will then be able to decide whether to provide patients with thrombolysis treatment.

The roll-out of the technology will happen in phases and develop into an all Wales service, with an on-call consultant rota offering 24 hour access to diagnosis and treatment.

Health minister Edwina Hart said the investment in new equipment would reduce the need for patients to travel to receive the best treatment.

She added: “By speeding up access to clot-busting drugs in all parts of Wales we will reduce the consequences of a stroke. This should allow patients to recover quicker and improve quality of life.”

Dr Anne Freeman, Welsh Assembly Government clinical lead for stroke, said: “We are delighted and welcome the minister’s decision to fund telemedicine for acute stroke services in Wales.

“This will support the clinical assessment of patients including the delivery of thrombolysis, the clot-busting drug, and other essential elements of acute stroke care.”

The Welsh Assembly Government is expected to launch its Digital Wales strategy next week.

Fiona Barr

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