The Bahrain Medical Bulletin is published every three months appearing in March, June, September and December. It is indexed in the World Health Organization Index Medicus for Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMRI), Extramed of the United Kingdom and International Serial Data System of France.

Everything we publish is freely available online throughout the world, for you to read, download, copy, distribute, and use (with attribution) any way you wish. No permission required. Read a detailed definition of Open Access.

Subscription to the Bulletin is two Bahraini Dinars (US $ 5.50) per issue. Free reprints are not provided but authors can order additional issues. Advertisement charges can be obtained from the Editorial office. The Bulletin is widely distributed throughout the world particularly to readers in the Arabian Gulf and the Middle East.

The Editorial Office
Bahrain Medical Bulletin
P.O.Box 30880
Kingdom of Bahrain

Tel: (+973) 17239798
Fax: (+973) 17277036

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