The Psychiatric Hospital in Bahrain is committed to provide safe, high quality, holistic care to all clients regardless of their gender, nationality, religion and ethnic background. The hospital ensure effective and efficient care in accordance with the MOH health direction and quality improvement principles and evidence based on research.

Strategic Goals:

1.Raise awareness of mental disability and promote mental well Being.
2.Provide high quality psychiatric health care services to meet the needs of the population of Bahrain while containing cost and assuring efficiency .
3.Enhance the role of the community in providing psychiatric care.
4.Maintain a workforce of skilled and satisfied staff.
5.Create policies and procedures, and provide accurate information to facilitate the decision making process.
6.Provide approved resources to facilitate the provision of services.
7.Model the importance of conducting research.
Historical aspects:
Mental & Psychiatric are very hard disorders challenging the humanity since long time ago, in spit of medical development in many fields, in psychiatry the progress is slow.
In the past the situation in kingdom of Bahrain is almost the same worldwide.
Mental health care in Bahrain can be considered to fall into three distinct phases
The psychiatry services was under control of municipal council and it was called “Dar Almajaneen” the treatment was very terrible like wristlet with chains, bagnio, excruciation the patients which supervised by strong male staff according to what is being at that times.
In 1948 the hospital was kept under supervision of Medical directorate, buildings and some associate were added in addition to dungeons which was already available, but still the psychological and medical care are limited and the badly situation continue until 1967 when approficeinal Arabic medical assignment as ahead of hospital who recommended to subvert the prison cells and he start the development process.
In 1977 the hospital start to introduce community psychiatric services on a narrow issue, this service become widely introduced on gradual bases and now a days there is an independent active department.
1979 Ibn alnafees unit opened for long stay, mentally retarded, geriatric patients, in 1985 Alghazali unit added after repairing (previously used as chest clinic). In 1987 occupational therapy department was created, in 1989 Almoyyed unit opened for rehabilitation of drug and alcohol patients and finally in 1991 Ibn Rushed unit opened which include child & adolescent unit (inpatients & outpatients), short stay unit, day care unit.
We promise to work hard to continue in most excellent manner to give what’s new and helpful for the psychiatric patients.

Psychiatric Hospital Services
The Psychiatric Hospital was founded in 1932. In 1967, the first psychiatrist was appointed. The mental health services are well organized in the country. The hospital for psychiatric disorders is the nucleus of these services. It has 201 inpatient beds (with a 20-bed alcohol and drug dependence unit, 25 beds for acute patients, 40 for short-stay patients, 42 for long-stay patients and 20 beds for the mentally impaired
Psychiatric hospital is considered to be the main center introducing psychiatric care service’s for all Bahraini citizens, visitors and comers, the hospital working 24 hours accepting psychiatric disorder and social cases which come directly or referral from accidents & emergency unit, health centers, BDF, Public security clinics… Etc.
Bahrain presents an ideal situation for integration of mental health in primary health care, promotion of mental health, to understand the natural course of mental disorders and to monitor the historical trends and their association with socioeconomic changes. There is a possibility of evaluating the various mental health initiatives at the level of primary health care, schools, nongovernmental organizations and public education.

Hospital location:
It’s clear from attached map, the hospital located in the west area of Manama city east from Alghfool district near to Salmaniya medical complex and Ministry of Health and watery park

Hospital Divisions:

1.Nursing departments.
3.Internal training.
5.IbnAlnafees unit.
6.Alghazali unit.
7.Almoyyed unit.
8.Ocupatational therapy dept.
9.Cattery and food services.
10.Community Psychiatric services.
11.Social services.
12.Psychology unit.
13.Medical record unit.
14.Pharmacy Dept.
15.Support Services Dept.
16.Liaison unit.
17.Ibn Rushed Unit.
18.Day care unit.
19.Child & adolescent unit.
20.Short stay unit.
Occupational Therapy Unit:
Including a hall for handmade, stitching, carpentry, house and offices products.
Programs and activities introduced to all patients individually depending on requirements for each case, male & female from all wards of hospital are accepted based on schedule tables, also the unit responsible for preparing activity treatment in the wards to the severe and restricted cases.
The unit shared for preparing a hoppy program in festivals and occasions and arranging for entertainment trips for patients.
The unit takes charge of small canteen promoting soft drinks, newspapers, magazines and some patients need, all the staff of this canteen from patients themselves.

Generous donator to pray on time and to build up the religion aspect of patients and staff has built the mosque.

Food Services:
Preparing food menus according to instructions of doctors, the staff prepared different kinds of regional meals.

Instruction to the patients:
Free treatment is introduced in the hospital for the citizens, comers and visitors, for that the reviser should carry the following documents:

1.CPR card.
2.Referral papers.
3.Any reports or drugs from any medical surface.
4.Its preferable that patients come with there fathers, husbands, wife’s or any other close relatives in order to study the social aspects of patients, the information gathering from patients or relatives by social workers will be very confidential.
5.For patients previously treated should have appointment card indicate his file number and name of doctor follow them.
6.Admitted patients should bring his personal needs like soap, shampoo, toothpaste… Etc.
Administration is an essential part of hospital and it’s considered as a connection link between different hospital sections and ministry of health authorities, the hospital administrator responsible for development in both administrative services and treatment plans stated by medical team.

Medical Record Department:
The department responsible for keeping and maintain the medical records of patients and arrange the appointments to the patients in out patients clinics, preparing the statistics and introduce the needed information to the concern persons for scientific research and managerial planning.

Pharmacy Department:
Responsible for storing & dispensing drugs to different unit within the Psy. hospital.

Ibn Alnafees Unit:
Consist of tow mail wards and two female wards with 96 beds introducing psychiatric care services for long stay and geriatrics, rehabilitation of the patients and practices there social activities depending on them selves independently is the one of most important goals for the unit.

Alghazali Unit:
Consist of tow mail wards and two female wards with 97 beds accepting acute cases introducing psychiatric and social services to such patients.

Almoyyead Unit:
The unit is considered a complete clinic with out patients and in patients with 17 beds, the objective of the unit is to rehabilitate drugs and alcoholics for reaffiliation to the social life by means of developmental techniques of psychiatric care and group treatment

Ibn Rushed Unit:
The unit was opened in February 1991 under care of prior minister of health Mr. Jawad Salim Aloreyad.
The aim of this unit comes to complete the broad development in psychiatric care, which introduced by ministry of health for the citizens.
The unit consists of three different units:

1.Short stay unit:
Consist of 9 beds with 9 graduated staff nurse, receiving acute psychiatric male cases referential from OPD clinics for short period in time introducing a concentrating psychiatric care services, after the diagnosis complete and the case is settled the patients almost transferred to the other wards in the hospital.
2.Child and Adolescents:
The medical team of this unit consists of one consultant; two-specialist residence, one social worker, one psychologist and 15 graduated staff nurse with 12 beds. The units receive patients under 18 years old; the team is highly graduated in behavior disturbances treatment in child and adolescents. The unit receive 350 new cases in addition to around 2000 follow up yearly, also the unit introduce a regular weakly consultations to Hope institute, Rehabilitation center and NBB handicapped center and monthly consultations to the Child care home and juvenile center.
3.Day Care Unit:
Consultant psychiatrist and specialist doctor and seven staff nurse and one social worker supervise the unit, the unit receive patient during morning hours only. The unit is responsible for transferring the patient from their houses to the unit by the unit cars. The unit consist of three sports hall, setting hall one for male & one for female in addition to small library, the unit is concentrated on behavioral treatment and rehabilitation programs individually or collectively, the patients shared in reading newspapers, magazines, watching TV programs and cultural or scientific movies, the unit team arrange a weakly trips to various locations in Bahrain like national museum, different factories, heritage sites. The number of patient recorded in the unit is around 32; beside this the community psychiatric service team, which is under umbrella of the unit, arrange for visiting the patients in homes regularly (180 visits / month) and evaluate the new cases weakly, also the visiting cover geriatric patients (50 visit / month).

Phone :17279300,17279301