The Beginning of Civil Defence in Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan returns back to Jordan east emirate, it’s duties was carried out by limited civilian groups under the responsibility of municipality at that time.

In 1948 and after this period as a result to actions progress and unstable of this region, the needs emerged for establishing any anew institution to protect civilian from war woes.

According to regulations NO.(18) of the defence Law NO.(2) for 1939, prime minister issued Defence order NO.(3) for the years 1953(1), this order authorized defence minister to establish Civil Defence board in the kingdom to carry out Civil Defence purposes and setting the suitable rules for the following aims:

1. Saving souls by preventive procedures.
2. Saving properties.
3. Helping the injured people from air raids and guiding them to aroid harms.

In 1954, Defence minister issued the defence order NO.(1) for 1954(1) including forming Civil Defence committees in the capital, districts, provinces and counties to carry out the purposes of Civil Defence, this order was changed in 1955 by Defence order NO.(1) for 1955(2) including changing the forming of Civil Defence Committees.

Because of triple invasion on Egypt in 1956, and based on the late king Hussein bin Talal thoughts. (May God rest him in pence) that human being is the most valuable that we have, The Royal order came out to establish Civil Defence Directorate and There Fore, Civil Defence Law No.(12) for 1959(3) was legislated and was replaced Civil Defence temporary Law NO. (35) for 1956 (4). Civil Defence Directorate was part of public security at that time. 1970 Civil Defence directorate was separated from public security and became General Directorate of Civil Defence with a separated administration. In 1978 Civil Defence was completely separated from public security financially with separated budget and fund.

To keep up with the developments of the kingdom in 1990 the up growth and flourishing of The Kingdom Civil Defence Law NO.(18) 1999(5) was issued and was replaced Civil Defence Law NO.(12) for 1959.

After issuing Civil Defence Law NO.(18) for 1999. The General Directorate of Civil Defence achieved a unique progress in several fields, and it was a great development guided by progressive supervising of his majesty to develop this humane institution by supporting this institution with Manpower, vehicles, equipments and high qualification, as well as increasing Civil Defence stations all over the Kingdom.


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