We would like to introduce ourselves the Eye Specialty Hospital is one of the biggest hospitals in the Middle East, it is specialized in ophthalmology treatments and surgeries

* The hospital started functioning from 1998.
* Eye Specialty hospital aims at fulfilling its logo – Seeing the world with new eyes.
* The pioneering endeavor of the hospital was to make available the latest advances in ophthalmology to the people whom such facilities were available either distance or cost. It is modern facilities and professional staff provides a strong ophthalmic specialist medical services for the public.
* It offers a comprehensive ophthalmic service that is internationally renowned.

New Patients are always welcomed:

To schedule an appointment please call: +96265511176 (Ex. 888)
Our Staff specially our Manager Public Relations and patient affairs will be pleased to assist you in any way possible and all efforts will be accommodate your schedule.

Amman – AL-Madieneh
AL-Mounaouarah Street.
Beside Jordan University Bridge

P.O.Box : 1494 Amman 11821 Jordan
Tel : 00 962 55 111 76
Fax : 00 962 55 211 07
Email : info@eyehosp.com

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