Royal Medical Services is one of the units of the Jordan Armed Forces, which provides health services to members of the Jordanian Armed Forces, Security services and their families, in addition to civilians, both inside and outside Jordan. Royal Medical Services aspires to excellence in providing better medical service, according to the latest medical information and the latest machinery and equipment.

The Web site is the interface for the identification of all the achievements, aspirations and services provided by the Directorate of Royal Medical Services, in accordance with the Vision, directions of the General Command of Jordan Armed Forces, and the Supreme Commander, His Majesty King Abdullah II Ben Al Hussein.

Our Vision
Presidency in providing complete excellent medical service cope with the global medical advancement .

Our Mission
Provide excellent and safe medical service which is characterized by high quality and acceptable cost, with commitment toward development, continuous improvement, and best utility of available resources through qualified and competent medical caliber and modern technological tools and equipment aim at ensuring an effective contribution in increasing the level of medical care in Jordan.

Queen Rania Al-Abdullah , University St. , Amman
Tel: +962-6-5300460

Fax: +962-6-5353001

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