Al-Emadi Hospital

Al-Emadi Hospital is a unique new medical establishment, which was built in state of Qatar. Through the past few years Al-Emadi Medical Center has explored the wings of its business, to the satisfaction and demands of our customers, by expanding to a qualified hospital , providing most professional specialties and unique facilities with modern equipments, under one roof on hands of most experienced doctors from all around of Arab world.
In the hospital we have 4 major operation rooms and Intensive care units, with top level in Middle East, providing the maximum level of sterilization service.
The hospital offers inpatient and outpatient rooms, furnished with most modern furniture with your request for single or suite rooms.
Al-Emadi Hospital covers an area of 4000 mt. sq., with vehicle parking facilities, to accommodate visitor’s and patient’s cars.
It is our privilege immense to introduce you to our following departments:

1. Endoscopy and General Surgery Dept.
Gastro copy, Colonoscopy, Hemorrhage surgery (with laser or under general anesthesia) Gastric band, gastric balloon, Cholecystectomy, thyriodectomy, Appendectomy.

2. Skin care and hair removal
Laser (unwanted body hair removal, wart removal) Botex injections for wrinkles, skin peeling, and various skin care.

3. Plastic Surgery
Liposuction and loose skin for all of the body, treating burnt skin, cosmetic ear surgery and many more. Cosmetic surgeries minor or major.

4. Ophthalmologist and Sight Correction
Eye Lasik, eye problems, cataract surgery, eyeglass exam, topography.

5. Gynecology and Obstetric
Cesarean, or vaginal delivery rooms, with latest equipments, premarriage examinations, infertility treatment surgeries or laporscarpty,prenatal checkups, abortion treatment, ovarian cyst and many other gyn diagnostics treatments, under supervision of most experienced consultant gynecologists and obstructions.

6. Dental
Teeth bleeding, basic cleaning and polishing, fillings, X-ray, gum treatments, cavity, root canal, and many more.

7. Family Practice
General physical checkup for all family members and follow ups, diabetics and hypertension follow up care, home visits, and general and private physical examinations.

In addition, we recently built pediatric department, urology department, orthopedic, including with minor and major operations. Most importantly is our ER department, with ambulance vehicles, for any emergencies. Furthermore, to all above departments are the following:

Lab Department:
We offer all types of blood tests, hormonal, and many more various blood tests, under supervision of experienced and qualified lab technicians.
Radiology Department:
Ultrasound for abdomen and breasts, also Doppler and X-ray for nasal sinus, brains, breast, joints, or back.
Reception Department:
This department welcomes the new and follows up patients to open their individual files and any other services.

In addition we offer the best and modernized equipment for cellular and fat treatment system machine called LPG.

Al-Emadi Hospital
P.o. Box: 5804, Doha, Qatar.
Tel: +9744666009 Fax: +9744678340

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