Plastic Surgicentre

Thank you for visiting my web site. Here you will find information about different plastic surgery procedures. If you have questions, comments, suggestions or would like to schedule an appointment please feel free to contact me via email, telephone or fax, just as you like…

World Class Plastic Surgery at a reasonable price
Prices for procedures are significantly below the US and UK average costs

Please feel free to browse our site at your leisure or contact me for more details. Your privacy is kept in the strictest confidence. We understand that decisions on matters concerning your health should not be taken lightly and we will therefore endeavor to provide you with as much information and attention as you require.

Dr. Ahmed Seif Makki
149 Najma Street, Al-hilal,
P.O. Box : 3304,
Doha, Qatar

Tel : (+974) 4662260
Fax : (+974) 4662250

E-mail :

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