Emerged in 1977 on the map of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Al Tuwairqi Holding (ATH) started from Contracting & Trading activities. Apart from this, ATH started acquiring steel manufacturing companies, the first under the umbrella was ISPC gained back in 1990.

Today Al Tuwairqi Holding has become the largest privately owned steel organization in the Middle East and is expanding its manufacturing power beyond the Middle East engulfing parts of South Asia & Europe.

Since its inception the ATH management was steering into the global market for gradual diversification with the gifted cognizant vision and palpable strategy. The success of Al-Tuwairqi Holding is a result of an amalgamate effort of an established troika of thinkers, professionals, and doers.

Of course, the eventual outcome is mesmerizing when AI-Tuwairqi Holding is sighted recently at 26th position holding company among the top hundred companies of the kingdom with the rating of 2nd fastest growing group.

The Group is also engaged in distribution of building materials, white cement, and trading of various industrial materials throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Further business opportunities are being explored in cooperation with local and foreign companies.

AI Tuwairqi Holding is ISO 9001:2000 and CARES, UK certified for its production facilities. The group is a responsible corporate citizen with ethical practices and conforms to the environment friendly waste disposal methodologies. Working environment in the group brings motivation among the workers.

It attracts and retains true professionals committed to their work and achievements. Dedicated to achieve service and technical excellence, the group envisages a vision that constitutes its core strength and basis for a growing base of satisfied customers.

Al-Tuwairqi Holding
P.O. Box: 2705
Dammam, 31461
Saudi Arabia
Tel.: +966 3 857 9922
Tel.: +966 3 857 6699
Fax: +966 3 857 9014
E-mail: atg@altuwairqi.com

Direct Reduction Iron Company (DRIC)
P.O. Box: 7600
Dammam, 31472
Saudi Arabia
Tel.: +966 3 812 2966
Fax: +966 3 812 2991
E-mail: dric@altuwairqi.com

National Steel Company Ltd
P.O. Box: 7600
Dammam, 31472
Saudi Arabia
Tel.: +966 3 812 2966
Fax: +966 3 812 2991
E-mail: nasco@altuwairqi.com

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