Abdul Rahman Al Gosaibi General Trading Co
An Engineered Evolution
Our growth and diversification over the past 65 years is a notable achievement, marking our success in the healthcare industry in Saudi Arabia. As an industry pioneer, we have developed our business from a small trading concern in the early forties to one of the leading healthcare companies in the Kingdom today.
Through strategic planning and management, we have built the business progressively, overcoming the challenges in what was then a developing industry, operating in a difficult business environment where companies, to be commercially viable, often experienced a steep learning curve in their operations. By constantly evaluating external influences, we have reached a level of awareness needed to define our focus internally and to further hone our business competencies and practices. This has also involved benchmarking our expertise, technologies, processes and resources against known performance standards , a critical success factor in our line of business as we aim for a distinctive edge through quality products, efficient customer oriented services and effective distribution operations at competitive costs.
Consequently, through a well-directed application of this approach, we have been successful in mapping out the path of our success. Today, this process of engineered evolution continues, in line with our business vision.
Name Dr. Khaled Harb
Pharma Division Manager Name Khaled Abulraziak
Pharma Tender Manager
Tel. +966-1-4793000 Ext.1226 Tel. +966-1-4793000 Ext.1223
Fax +966-1-477 1374 Fax +966-1-477 1374
Mobile +966-5-310 3731 Mobile +966-5-310 3731

Name Salah Abu Issa
Institutional Business Supervisor
Tel. +966-1-4793000 Ext.1219
Fax +966-1-477 1374

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