Al-Salam-International-Hospital2Al-Salam International Hospital was orignally established in 1964, as a small ten bedded Maternity Hospital, staffed by one OBS/GYN Doctor and five nurses.

Since then, the hospital kept growing both in size and number of staff, building on its reputation as a leading private hospital in Kuwait. In May 1992, the hospital widened its scope of services and became a full-fleged secondary care General Hospital.

In January 2001, an ambitious expansion program lead to the commencement of the construction of the new facility, which was commissioned on April 16th 2006


Today,Al -Salam international  Hospital is 66 beded Hospital providing obstetric Gynecology,Surgical, Medical, Pediatric and critical care  services.As a commitment to its logo staement “Excelence in patient care”and utilizing the Accreditation Canada Performance Improvement Standards as a mean of fullfilling the organizational mission and vision, SIH ensure the Acquisition of  State-of-art technology of recruitment of highly qualified and trained clinical and non clinical workforce,Provision of continuing the  education programe and keep abreast with evidence – base practices.


Al Salam International Hospital
Salama Dist., Jeddah
P.O.Box : 4200 , Postal Code: 21491
Tel : 02 6970000
Fax : 02 6975522

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