King Fahd Hospital JeddahMission Of The Hospital
The current official mission of the King Fahd General Hospital :
In line with the mission of the Ministry of Health, we at the KING FAHD GENERAL HOSPITAL are committed to promote excellence in Health Care by:

• Being, responsive to COMMUNITY needs and providing accessible and appropriate medical services.
• Being a CUSTOMER-ORIENTED organization and meeting the expectations of patients, physicians, and staff.
• Providing a highly SPECIALISED SERVICES with the help of qualified staff using advanced technology.
• Supporting RESEARCH Continuous Medical Education.

The Strategic Planning Group has decided to modify this by adding new sections, as follows:

• Comprehensive Services would be provided to Eligible members of the Mecca Region Community, with a focus on efficiency and ease of access for the most needy members of the community.
• Developing and Providing Selected Tertiary care clinical services.
• Clinical Services would focus on Evidence Based Medicine, and All aspects of hospital operation would be efficient and consistent with our TQM program.
• In a Work Environment that respects all staff and supports their development, and encourages personal responsibility and creativity.
The hospital will seek to Pioneer and Develop alternative sources of funding.

Vission Of The Hospital

Values are beliefs which an organization’s members hold in common and endeavor to put into pra tice. The values guide the organization’s members in performing their work. Specifically, you should ask, “What are the basic beliefs that we share as an organization?” Examples of values include: a commitment to excellent services, innovation, diversity, creativity, honesty, integrity, and so on. Values may also include
beliefs. Ideally, an individual’s personal values will align with the spoken and unspoken values organization. By developing a written statement of the values of the organization, members have a chance to contribute to the articulation of these values, as well as evaluate how well their personal values and motivation match those of the organiazation.

Vision of the King Fahd General Hospital :
Values that the hospital staff believe should be reflected in the policies, procedures, 1 aspects of day-to-day operation of the King Fahd Hospital , in addition to being tial for good operation are:

Respect and fair treatment to ALL staff
Providing a healthy environment for staff to work in Enthusiasm
Motivation, incentives and appreciation to distinguished staff Encouragement of team work
Responsibility and Creativity
Human resource development.
Continuous health-related training programs (clinical and non clinical)
Optimum utilization of available resources
Cost effectiveness of utilization of resources

Patient-related values:
– Provide respect, privacy and tender care
– Optimal privacy and provide total patient care

Defining the Role of the King Fahd Hospital

It is impossible to manage any health care project without defining what needs to be done, who will benefit, and how the services would be provided
Therefore, the following needs to be defined:

Defining the role of the hospital in terms of clinical services offered.
Defining the hospital’s regional coverage.
Defining the number of patients that could be offered care within available resources.

No health care institution could fulfill its role if this role had not been clearly defined. Likewise, no hospital could have all the sub-specialties that patients might require, nor could it be properly managed if it has an open-ended commitment to accept any case, regardless of its actual capacity.

Therefore, defining the hospital’s role is an essential step before any development or plan could take place.
However, achieving this goal is beyond the authority of the hospital management, and it should be discussed and agreed at the regional, and possibly ministerial, level as to how the division of roles would be organized between existing health providers in the region.

Contact us:

P.O.Box 8488, Jeddah 21196, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
General telephone: 660-6111

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