King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research CentreKFSH&RC is an 894-bed multi-facility, multi-entity tertiary care hospital and one of the leading healthcare institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Its mission is to provide medical services of highly specialized nature and promote medical research and education programs, including postgraduate education training, as well as contribute to the prevention of disease.
Mission Statement
Based on the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 265 dated 30 Shawwal 1422H (14 January 2002) regarding the transformation of King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre to a General Organization, and according to the second article of the charter, the Organization’s objectives are as follows :

Providing the best tertiary health care.
Contribution in the establishment of high specifications and standards for practicing medicine in Saudi Arabia.
Conducting scientific and applied research related to health and medicine and cooperating with other specialized institutions within Saudi Arabia and abroad to develop therapeutic methodology and improve the health and medical services in Saudi Arabia in general and the medical subspecialties in particular.
Cooperating with medical institutions and educational establishments in Saudi Arabia to enhance the awareness level and health education among members of the society.
Participating in the provision of health education programs and the training of Saudi Nationals in order to ensure an adequate number of qualified specialists.
The provision of accredited Residency and Fellowship Programs for Saudi physicians in order for them to contribute to health care.
The publication of periodicals and scientific medical journals.

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (General Organization)
P.O.Box 3354
Riyadh 11211
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 966-1-464-7272
Fax: 966-1-441-4839

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