Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Humanitarian City
One of the projects of the Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Foundation is the Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Humanitarian City.

he City is a 400-bed Rehabilitation Hospital and Medical Center which opened 30th October 2002 to provide care to both inpatients and outpatients.

Our patients are provided with the highest quality of medical care by highly experienced physicians, therapists, nurses, and support staff. The facility covers more than 1,000,000 square meters, and is located just north of Riyadh in the Banban area.

The City provides therapeutic, supportive, and educational services which are designed to assist in restoring health and function following acute illness, and to allow for a safe return to a home-based family.

Vision and Mission


“To be a Worldwide Center of Excellence in Rehabilitation, Providing the Highest Standards of International Healthcare Within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”

Departments of Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Humanitarian City

Director General and Chief Executive Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Medical Affairs
Rehabilitation Services
Nursing Services
Information Technology
Human Resources
Professional Services
Quality Management
Support Services
Education and Staff Development
Public Relations
Supply Services.

Militray Academy, Riyadh
P.O.Box : 64399, Postal Code: 11536
Tel : 01 5620000
Fax : 01 5620056

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