Saudi Arabia spends around 5% of GDP on healthcare. In 2006, this equated to US$10.4
billion or US$451 per capita. The public sector is  thought to account for 75% of the total, or
US$7.8 billion, although there is little firm data. The MOH accounts for around one third of total
healthcare expenditure; other major public providers of health services include the armed
forces and security services.

Ministry of Health Expenditure
The Ministry of Health budget stood at SR13.1 billion (US$3.5 billion) in 2001/02. Of this, SR6.8
billion (US$1.8 billion) was spent on MOH salaries, SR2.4 billion (US$640 million) was
recurrent expenditure, SR3.3 billion (US$880 million) funded operational & maintenance
programmes, and SR617 million (US$165 million) was spent on development projects. A
further SR242.1 million (US$64.6 million) was provided through Saudi Arabia’s Red Crescent


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